Not the morning I had hoped for. I had such a good route and all of my stops were priors so I thought I was totally going to knock it out of the park but nooooooo. Luckily I drove out to Rocky Point yesterday with Jane and Shawna to check out a camp for our kids. (Which incidentally I could have cared less what the place looked like but my girls had some reservations. It didn't surprise me because one of those ladies won't go on a cruise because she's certain someone is going to steal her daughter and sell her into the sex trade. She saw it on Oprah. It can happen. [But I love you, girl!]) Anyway, the camp seemed low on predators so we left feeling satisfied. To throw a cherry on top (sorry about my bad choice of words), we spotted a yard sale in a church out building. When we pulled up, there were several large toothless men sitting on the tailgates of their pick ups. I believe I heard banjo music too but I'm not sure. In fact if there was going to be any molesting going on this would be the place! I'm always down for a party though so we went in. For the love of God when we opened the door the smell of cat piss was beyond overwhelming!! I thought about just turning around but the creepy image of Billy Bob was much too fresh in my head so I dealt with the pungent odor. I was glad I did because I got a great vintage table cloth (which Jane repeatedly hinted that she would love for her birthday), an old toy wagon (which I got one hell of an ear full from the lady about how she pulled her handicapped cat, Mr. Tully, around in it for years) and finally I got a jar set on a stand that will shabbitize itself right into the new millennium. Oh and I got a headband for my daughter that the Cat Woman's handicapped sister crocheted. It seems everyone in her life is handicapped. I hope it has nothing to do with ingesting all this stagnant feline waste. To be on the safe side, we left. Jane scored an out of date decorating book (not jealous) and Shawna got a cute, small, red colander (way jealous!). And she didn't even want to stop!!! Oh well. A nice little unexpected bonus for the day. Now as for today.............
Glad I got a little fix yesterday because this morning has left me with money in my pocket and no junk dealer. What's up with that, yo? I won't bore you with the details of my sightseeing tour of Greater Wilmington but I will tell you that I got a great old suitcase with a couple of cool old stickers on it, 3 metal flowers that are already up in my daughter's room (and look amazing!) and lastly a much needed waste bin for my bathroom because my monsters flood my whole bathroom every time they take a bath and my current garbage can has completely rusted through (as did the one before it). This one is wood so perhaps it stands a chance. Maybe not. They've been known to get creative.
So, there you have it. Sorry to disappoint ya'll but really.......what have you done for me lately? I can only give so much!